At Multi/Cable, we manufacture custom cable, it’s our specialty! Here are the key benefits of custom cable Performance /Flexibility /Certainty / Accountability / Professionalism/ Cost
The perception of a custom cable means many things to different people.
It could simply mean that an alternative jacket material or possibly that a different colour or conductor colours are required.
It could also mean that you have a requirement for a highly complex solution where a cable with very specific materials and configurations are required.
We want to dispel the myth that a custom cable generally equals high cost and long delivery dates. Whether your looking for a simple material alternative,
alternative core colours to an existing cable type or require a complete design from first principles then we have a solution for you.
These products can be designed either from first principles or using existing off the shelf products allowing you to select varying material configurations alongside solid technical advice.
You can determine the appropriate level of screening that is required on either individual elements or around the cable as a whole.
You can also specify the outer jacket working environment and select a material type that is appropriate both from an operating temperature and mechanical characteristics point of view.
We are here to advise on what options are available to you which makes the process as easy, efficient and cost effective as possible.
Custom Cable Examples:
This custom cable features
15 conductors of 24 gauge overall shielded and jacketed,
6 shielded pairs of 24 gauge with an overall jacket,
4 conductors of 18 gauge shielded and jacketed,
4 individually jacketed twisted pairs of 18 gauge,
6 single conductors of 24 gauge,
4 RG 58A/U coaxial cables and 2 vent tubes
all under an overall red polyurethane jacket.
and an outer core of 15 pairs of PTFE insulated 26 gauge silver platted copper.
There is an 85% tinned copper braid with an overall black PVC jacket.
The next pass is made up of 10 shielded pairs of 16 gauge,
and the outer pass consists of 16 shielded pairs of 16 gauge.
There is an overall foil shield, all under a black PVC jacket.